

Holy Kural #391
So learn that you may full and faultless learning gain,
Then in obedience meet to lessons learnt remain

Let a man learn thoroughly whatever he may learn, and let his conduct be worthy of his learning.

Tamil Transliteration
Karka Kasatarak Karpavai Katrapin
Nirka Adharkuth Thaka.

Holy Kural #392
The twain that lore of numbers and of letters give
Are eyes, the wise declare, to all on earth that live

Letters and numbers are the two eyes of man.

Tamil Transliteration
Ennenpa Enai Ezhuththenpa Ivvirantum
Kannenpa Vaazhum Uyirkku.

Holy Kural #393
Men who learning gain have eyes, men say;
Blockheads' faces pairs of sores display

The learned are said to have eyes, but the unlearned have (merely) two sores in their face.

Tamil Transliteration
Kannutaiyar Enpavar Katror Mukaththirantu
Punnutaiyar Kallaa Thavar.

Holy Kural #394
You meet with joy, with pleasant thought you part;
Such is the learned scholar's wonderous art

It is the part of the learned to give joy to those whom they meet, and on leaving, to make them think (Oh! when shall we meet them again.).

Tamil Transliteration
Uvappath Thalaikkooti Ullap Piridhal
Anaiththe Pulavar Thozhil.

Holy Kural #395
With soul submiss they stand, as paupers front a rich man's face;
Yet learned men are first; th'unlearned stand in lowest place

The unlearned are inferior to the learned, before whom they stand begging, as the destitute before the wealthy.

Tamil Transliteration
Utaiyaarmun Illaarpol Ekkatrung Katraar
Kataiyare Kallaa Thavar.

Holy Kural #396
In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the springs below;
The more you learn, the freer streams of wisdom flow

Water will flow from a well in the sand in proportion to the depth to which it is dug, and knowledge will flow from a man in proportion to his learning.

Tamil Transliteration
Thottanaith Thoorum Manarkeni Maandharkkuk
Katranaith Thoorum Arivu.

Holy Kural #397
The learned make each land their own, in every city find a home;
Who, till they die; learn nought, along what weary ways they roam

How is it that any one can remain without learning, even to his death, when (to the learned man) every country is his own (country), and every town his own (town) ?.

Tamil Transliteration
Yaadhaanum Naataamaal Ooraamaal Ennoruvan
Saandhunaiyung Kallaadha Vaaru.

Holy Kural #398
The man who store of learning gains,
In one, through seven worlds, bliss attains

The learning, which a man has acquired in one birth, will yield him pleasure during seven births.

Tamil Transliteration
Orumaikkan Thaan Katra Kalvi Oruvarku
Ezhumaiyum Emaap Putaiththu.

Holy Kural #399
Their joy is joy of all the world, they see; thus more
The learners learn to love their cherished lore

The learned will long (for more learning), when they see that while it gives pleasure to themselves, the world also derives pleasure from it.

Tamil Transliteration
399 Thaamin Puruvadhu Ulakin Purak Kantu
Kaamuruvar Katrarin Thaar.

Holy Kural #400
Learning is excellence of wealth that none destroy;
To man nought else affords reality of joy

Learning is the true imperishable riches; all other things are not riches.

Tamil Transliteration
Ketil Vizhuchchelvam Kalvi Yoruvarku
Maatalla Matrai Yavai.
